STI Celebrates 27th Anniversary

Submitted by admin on 02nd of December, 2009 06:00 pm

STI Electronics, Inc. Celebrates Its 27th Anniversary
MADISON, AL — December 2009 — STI Electronics, Inc., a full service organization providing training, electronic and industrial distribution, consulting, laboratory analysis, prototyping, and small- to medium-volume PCB assembly, announces the 27-year anniversary of the company.
STI, founded by Jim D. Raby, P.E., began as a family operation in 1982 in San Dimas, CA with Jim, Ellen and David.  STI relocated to Madison, AL in 1993.  STI has grown to over 50 employees and expanded its focus from consulting and technical seminars to providing training, laboratory analysis, advanced research and development, microelectronics assembly (class 1000 cleanroom environment), prototyping, and small- to medium-volume PCB contract assembly for the electronics industry as well as electronic and industrial product distribution.
“STI began as a family owned business 27 years ago and continues to operate as such today (although there are over 50 of us now).  I’m not sure any of us thought 27 years into the future when we started but it sure has been a lot of fun and has kept me from having to get a real job.   Thanks to all of you for helping make it possible and I look forward to many more years,” said David Raby, President & CEO.
The goal of STI is to meet or exceed any standards of workmanship demanded by its customers. No company in the industry is better prepared than STI Electronics to meet the expanding standards of quality required in today’s competitive market.
For more information about STI Electronics, Inc., visit

Engineering Engineering