Mel Parrish Elected as Chair to the TAEC for IPC

Submitted by admin on 08th of April, 2010 07:00 pm

STI is proud to announce that Mel Parrish has been elected Chair to the Technical Activity Executive Council (TAEC) for IPC. This important position for IPC has a term of two years and the TAEC provides guidance for IPC activities and all of the IPC technical committees and task groups. 
After retiring from the Air Force as an Electronics Curriculum Designer, Mel began working in standards development and training while working for the Navy at China Lake during the generation of WS6536 through MIL-STD-2000. Mel has been active in IPC technical committee work for over 23 years, and is currently General Chair of the Product Assurance, which includes many important committees and documents such as IPC-A-610, IPC-A-620, IPC-7711 and others.
Mel has served in a leadership position for IPC-A-610 beginning with Revision A, which is now newly revised and published as IPC-A-610, Revision E. He has been a member of the TAEC and Committee Chairman Council for over ten years, and his experience and contributions to the electronic industry are commendable.  Mel Parrish has been with STI for almost ten years, and is the Director of Training Materials, as well as FSO.

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