Frank Honyotski Celebrates 10 years with STI

Submitted by admin on 17th of May, 2010 07:00 pm

STI announces the 10-year anniversary of Frank Honyotski. In appreciation of his 10 years of service, STI awarded Frank with a certificate and travel voucher for a destination of his choice.
Honyotski began working at STI on May 15, 2000 as a Master Instructor for Training Services. He joined STI from Pace Inc., where he worked as a Training Manager and was involved in the development and teaching of rework, repair and production techniques, and education of customers and industry representatives on how to utilize these techniques. Frank also served as an instructor and a Senior Electronics Technician for the Navy’s Miniature/Micro-miniature Repair (2M) Program from 1993 until 1997.
“Frank does an outstanding job in the classroom and is always willing to go the extra mile to make sure STI customers are happy. He has been a tremendous asset for STI and we look forward to the next 10 years with Frank,” says Pat Scott, Director of Training Services. 
Frank is accredited by the IPC as a Master Instructor for IPC-A-600, IPC-A-610, IPC/WHMA-A-620, IPC-7711/21 and J-STD-001. He conducts IPC Certification Training at the STI training site located in Madison, AL. He is also responsible for conducting on-site training classes for STI customers, and coordinating the materials, equipment needs and shipment of equipment when required by the customer.

Engineering Engineering