What time does training start and end?

First day registration begins at 7:30am CST.

Facility access is granted at 7:45am CST.

Training begins each day at 8:00am CST.

Training end times are variable, but training usually ends 4:00-5:00pm CST.

Access outside of the scheduled times must be previously arranged with the Trainer.

I ordered my new J-STD-001F or IPC-A-610F training materials and all I received was a CD. Where are the rest of my materials?

IPC has transitioned to a completely digital format. All materials are now on the CD including the instructor guide (IG). IPC sells a printed copy of the IG for an additional $45.00.

IPC will not sell me any more certificates so what do I do now?

All IPC certificates are now issued as PDF files that can be saved or printed upon successful completion of the applicable online testing.

Do I need an IPC login and password for IPC training?

Yes. All testing is now being completed online. A student must be able to log in to the IPC Portal. The following link will allow you to complete the 3 step Sign Up process:


STI has created a video tutorial to help you walk through the process:

Do you sell the kits needed for me to conduct training?
Yes we sell training kits for all of your solder or cable building needs. Call 1-800-858-0604 and ask to purchase training materials.

How long will my IPC certification be valid for?
All IPC certificates are valid for 2 years.

Can the class be taught at my facility?

Yes. Classes can be taught at any of the STI training facilities, your facility, or other available facilities. Contact Pat Scott at pscott@stielectronicsinc.com for details.

I was trained to revision E of the J-STD-001 or IPC-A-610. Can I teach the new revision F courses without attending the new course?
Yes, as an IPC CIT you are authorized to teach any revision of the document as long as your certificate is valid. We would recommend you read the new revision first before attempting to teach the new material as many changes occur with each new revision.

Did IPC update the policy and procedures document?

Yes. Always click on the Policies and Procedures tab from the home page of the IPC Certification Portal:
