STI Electronics, Inc.'s Role During Covid-19 Pandemic

Submitted by Robbie Morris on 17th of March, 2020 12:00 pm

At STI, we believe it is our role and responsibility during this time to prioritize two things: the health and well-being of our employees and to maintain business as usual to minimize customer impact.  As I am sure you all know, either of these goals can be challenging with the current COVID-19 pandemic.  We are however committed to fulfilling these goals to the best of our ability while adhering to all government and health organization recommendations.  We ask for your patience and help in meeting these priorities.

1.   We are open for business but ask that if you are sick or have been in contact with someone that is sick to please not come to STI until you are free from symptoms for at least 48 hours without medication (fever reducers, etc.).

2.  If you need to drop off hardware or materials for manufacturing, engineering or analytical, please drop those off at the front desk.  If you have traveled outside of the US in the last 14 days or sick, please contact us at 256-705-5519 and we will make arrangements with you regarding the hardware or materials.

3.  We are conducting training classes as usual at this time.  If you are registered for a class and either do not wish to travel due to current circumstances or your company has a travel ban, please contact our Training Services dept at or (800) 858-0604 to move your registration to a later date.  Also, if you have traveled outside of the US within 14 days of the start date of your class or if you are sick, please contact our Training Services dept at or (800) 858-0604 to reschedule your class.  We ask that you not attend class until you are free from symptoms for at least 48 hours without medication (fever reducers, etc.).

Engineering Engineering