New Training Materials Catalog Available

Submitted by admin on 06th of December, 2009 06:00 pm

STI Electronics, Inc., a full service organization providing training, electronic and industrial distribution, consulting, laboratory analysis, prototyping, and small- to medium-volume PCB assembly, has introduced a new Training Materials Catalog.
The catalog is available in hard copy and electronic format as well as on the web for viewing and/or downloading at  The new Training Materials catalog includes solder training/process profiling kits, dummy/mechanical components, training aids, and training materials (specifically IPC standards and specifications). 
In addition to the standardized training program support materials, STI Electronics provides unique or custom training materials ranging from chip scale and BGA to through-hole and terminal attachments. STI also provides cable and harness kits to support cable fabrication programs. Process development kits for machine applications provide an opportunity to evaluate operation capabilities for issues such as fine-pitch production and lead free materials.
STI is a total solutions partner when it comes to training resources. The company offers both training services and materials to better serve companies. STI’s technical and instructional staff is unsurpassed in knowledge and experience in the world of electronics assembly/solder training and specification requirements.

To request a copy of the catalog, send an email to or go to the following link

Engineering Engineering