STI Acquires New AOI System

STI Electronics is pleased to announce that it has acquired a new Nordson YESTECH FX-940 ULTRA 3D Automated Optical I

STI Electronics is pleased to announce that it has acquired a new Nordson YESTECH FX-940 ULTRA 3D Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) system.

This new AOI system provides STI’s contract assembly services with a significant improvement in throughput with the ability to inspect 1.5 million components per hour. The system’s accuracy rate will give customers a level of confidence far exceeding that of visual inspection or other AOI systems using older technology.

The new image processing integrates 3D inspection, color inspection, normalized correlation and rule-based algorithms.  Coupled with advanced LED lighting, it provides complete inspection coverage with an unmatched low false failure rate.

Mark AOI

Mark McMeen, STI’s Vice President of Engineering Services, explains: “The majority of STI’s customers require high reliability for their products. This new system will help STI provide its customers with the manufacturing quality they desire and the built-in SPC will help STI maintain tight control of our processes.”

STI Electronics Participating in IPC’s IMPACT Washington, D.C.

Dave Raby is president and CEO of STI Electronics and an eager participant at this year’s IMPACT Washington, D.C. event. We talked early on the first day of the event, before a heavily scheduled day for the attendees.

Dave Raby is president and CEO of STI Electronics and an eager participant at this year’s IMPACT Washington, D.C. event. We talked early on the first day of the event, before a heavily scheduled day for the attendees.


Patty Goldman: Dave, what are your thoughts about this year’s IMPACT event, overall?

Dave Raby: I’m excited. I came to this event for the first time last year and have been looking forward all year to coming back. It’s really great to meet the other people in here. It’s all senior executives from companies in our industry from all over the country. Whenever senior executives from the same industry get together, we usually find out we share many of the same concerns and that is true with this group. Washington, D.C. is also a foreign world to most of us, and it’s great to get up here and see what’s going on here and see what our representatives are thinking. What is even better is, through the efforts of IPC, we can actually have an influenceon some things and can give them our opinions.  As Americans, it is what we’re supposed to do but I don’t think most of us do anything unless there’s a group like this supporting it and organizing it.

Goldman: Yeah, there’s some reluctance.

Raby: It’s hard to come up here as a lone wolf and just say, “Hey, I want to support this bill.”

Goldman: First of all, how would you get to see anybody?

Raby: That’s a good question but also how would you even know what bill was out there?  IPC does a great job of scheduling visits with key people from all over the country and also with the representatives from my states. STI has employees in four states and tomorrow I’ll be visiting both senators from one of the states and our U.S. representative from two others.  IPC staff does a great job of keeping us informed on the legislation that is at various levels of the process and gives us a very good idea on where the people we are meeting with stand. We can then express our views and let them know we appreciate their support and encourage more support, or let them know why we see their particular stance as a problem. My opinion may or may not change their opinion but I’ve been impressed with how they really will listen and consider how a certain piece of legislation will affect my company and their constituents. It was fascinating to me when I came last year just to see how the government works. We often complain about how it doesn’t work, but in reality, it has done a pretty good job over the last 240 years or so.

Most of the legislation starts for a good reason. I compare it to my shower thoughts at home. I’ve come up with what seemed like some of the world’s greatest solution or idea as I’m getting ready to go to work in the morning.  I’m so excited when I can get to the office and tell my staff about them. Most of the time, as soon as I start saying them out loud I realize that it may actually be the dumbest idea I’ve ever had. The legislation starts for a good reason and seems like a good idea at the time and, by the time you get through the process that they go through, there’s hopefully people like us that have come in to say, “Yeah, this really is a good idea but could you add this to it?” Or, “We really don’t like this. Have you thought of what this would do to business?  While it seems like a good idea overall, maybe if you took out this line, then it really would do what you want.” Right now, you’ve got the unintended consequences that are going to happen.

Goldman: You really have to think about the consequences.

Raby: Exactly, and no offense to the lawmakers but they are trying to improve our lives and businesses but usually have no idea how they work and some of the unintended side effects some of their laws can have. Just making up an example here but there could be something that will save my company $10,000 but causes me to have to hire a full time person just to fill out the paperwork. That didn’t save me $10,000. That put a productive person out of work. That’s a big reason for being here this week.  Just as a citizen, it’s frustrating to watch the democrats versus the republicans, republicans versus democrats. If I have an idea, no matter how good it is, you’re not going to like it, and vice versa. It’s nice to get up here and see they actually do talk to each other (or at least many of them do), and there are some things that they cooperate on.

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Goldman: There are things behind the news that happen.

Raby: Right. Apparently, talking to each other doesn’t make the news.

Goldman: That’s for sure; it’s not as exciting. Do you think you’ll come next year? Do you see this as a good event to attend?

Raby: Yes I do. If it’s anything like last year—and from the schedule we have, it looks like it will be—I’ll be back next year. I also want to encourage other business leaders and owners to do the same. It costs two or three days of time plus your travel expenses and can have a direct benefit on your company’s and your industry’s future as well as your country’s future. Plus, it is interesting, educational and we have some fun, too.

Goldman: There’s a pretty heavy schedule this year, from what I understand.

Raby: We’re hearing from four different presidential campaigns this morning, which is something that of course we didn’t have last year. It may not be a kind way of saying it, but it’s a straight-from-the-horse’s-mouth type of thing that you don’t get sitting at home on the couch. It’ll be interesting to hear how that

goes and we get to question each candidate on their thoughts on keeping (or making) American manufacturing competitive with the rest of the world. Then we’re also meeting with several congressmen and it will be great to get their perspective on things, and also give them our perspective.  One of the things I’m talking about is the NNMI, the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation. We are meeting today with Senator Orrin Hatch, who’s the head of the Senate Committee on Finance. Senator Hatch is number three in line to be president, as far as a succession plan.

Congressional Meeting

Goldman: That’s not somebody you can just knock on his door and talk to.

Raby: I’m from a little town in Alabama. That’s not somebody I’m used to talking to. I’m a little nervous about that, but I also know from last year, IPC will get me through it.

Goldman: Right, they keep you well-informed of all the important stuff.

Raby: They’ve educated me, but they’re also going to be sitting next to me. If I start to stumble, they’ll steer me in the right direction, or if the senator asks a question that I don’t know the answer to, I just look over and they’ll help to answer it.

Goldman: And John Hasselmann said they have all the data ready as well. So they’ll have a lot of answers.

Raby: John and his entire team do a fantastic job.

Goldman: Okay. It’s probably about time to head in to the meeting. Well thanks so much for your time, Dave.

Raby: Thanks Patty, I appreciate you being here, because publicizing this can do nothing but help it.

Goldman: That’s what I hope to see happen also.

Raby: IPC does a great job on this. There’s nobody else up here looking out for us in the electronics industry.

For full coverage of IPC IMPACT, please click on the following link:

David Raby Receives IPC President’s Award

STI Electronics, Inc., a full service organization providing training services, training materials, analytical/failure analysis, prototyping, and small-to-medium volume PCB assembly, is pleased to announce that

STI Electronics, Inc., a full service organization providing training services, training materials, analytical/failure analysis, prototyping, and small-to-medium volume PCB assembly, is pleased to announce that  IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries®  has honored David Raby with an IPC President’s Award. The award was presented to Raby during the 2016 IPC APEX EXPO® in recognition of his significant contributions of time, talent and ongoing leadership in IPC and the electronics industry.

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Raby was honored for his contributions, leadership and dedicated support of IPC’s Validation Services program, training and certification programs, and government relations advocacy efforts.

“IPC and the entire electronics industry are fortunate to have these dedicated individuals volunteer their time and expertise to IPC standards, program development and advocacy efforts,” said John Mitchell, IPC president and CEO. “Their work has enriched both the industry and IPC. I am thankful for their dedication and hard work.”

David Raby commented about receiving the award, “It truly was a special honor to be recognized. My father, Jim Raby, received the same award in 1984. This makes us the first father/son duo ever to have received the award.”

STI Announces Diversified Training Schedules

STI realizes that many potential students have schedules or commitments that prevent them from attending classes with a traditional 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday schedule.

STI realizes that many potential students have schedules or commitments that prevent them from attending classes with a traditional 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday schedule. With this in mind, STI is now offering some of its training programs on nights and weekends at its Florida training centers. These classes still maintain the required class hours, but the hours are 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on weekdays and Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

To view or sign up for the available classes with alternative schedules, visit

STI’s Training Services division develops customized training courses to fit specific training needs. Typically, STI builds these classes around company-specific standards and specifications. STI is an IPC authorized training center for J-STD-001, IPC-A-610, IPC/WHMA-A-620, IPC-A-600 and IPC7711/7721, and provides both Certified IPC Application Specialist (CIS) and Certified IPC Trainer (CIT) courses.

For additional information about these classes, contact STI’s customer service department at 1-800-858-0604 or or contact Patti Gander (Florida Training Center Manager) at or by phone at (813) 486-1207.


STI Electronics Receives Recognition for the IPC-A-600 PCB PROCESS SEQUENCE KIT during APEX

NPI 2016

NPI 2016

STI Electronics, Inc., announces that it has been awarded its second consecutive NPI Award in the category of Training Materials for its IPC-A-600 PCB PROCESS SEQUENCE KIT. The award was presented to the company during a Tuesday, March 15, 2016 ceremony that took place at the Las Vegas Convention Center during the IPC APEX EXPO. The kit is designed as an aid to individuals teaching the IPC-A-600 Acceptability of Printed Boards Training and Certification Program or for anyone in need of visual aids to assist with explaining the various steps of the PCB fabrication process.

For many years, the IPC-A-600 Acceptability of Printed Boards has set the standard for PCB workmanship quality, giving comprehensive acceptance criteria with full color illustrations and photographs showing all types of printed board surface and internal conditions. Many of the users of the document and the training program do not work in the board fabrication process, but may perform audits and incoming inspection.  This results in students not being familiar with what the boards look like at the various steps in the fabrication process and makes it more difficult for them to comprehend some of the acceptance criteria.

The IPC-A-600 PCB PROCESS SEQUENCE KIT contains boards that represent various steps in the PCB fabrication process, documentation describing the process steps, and care and handling instructions. Its compact size makes it easy-to-use in any environment.

Premiering in 2008, the NPI Awards program is an annual celebration of product excellence in electronics surface mount assembly. Premier products based on the finest examples of creative advancement in technology are chosen by a distinguished panel of industry experts.

For more information or to place an order, contact sales at 1-800-858-0604 or

Pat Scott Celebrates 15 Years with STI Electronics

STI Electronics, Inc., announces Pat Scott’s 15-year anniversary. Ms. Scott’s anniversary was celebrated with cake and all of her colleagues at STI. David Raby, President/CEO, presented a certificate in appreciation of Ms.

STI Electronics, Inc., announces Pat Scott’s 15-year anniversary. Ms. Scott’s anniversary was celebrated with cake and all of her colleagues at STI. David Raby, President/CEO, presented a certificate in appreciation of Ms. Scott’s 15 years of dedicated service.


As Director of Training Services, Ms. Scott is responsible for keeping STI and the training staff up-to-date on IPC standards and training curriculum revisions. Additionally, she communicates with customers regarding their training needs and presents them with the best solutions possible.

“Pat Scott has held a number of positions at STI before assuming her current position as Director of Training Services,” said Diana Bradford, VP of Operations and Training Resources. “During the past 15 years, Pat has excelled in each position and is now a guiding force not only here at STI, but in our industry as well.”


The Training Services Division is an Approved Training Center for Instructor (CIT) and Operator/Inspector (CIS) courses for all of IPC’s training and certification programs as well as an approved Marshall Space Flight Training provider for NASA related courses. STI conducts classes in its Madison, AL headquarters as well as its other training centers in Florida, Texas and Indiana. STI also provides training at customer facilities around the world.

STI Recognizes Angela Harbin’s Anniversary

STI Electronics, Inc., announces Angela Harbin’s 15-year anniversary. Angela’s anniversary was celebrated with cake and all of her colleagues at STI.

STI Electronics, Inc., announces Angela Harbin’s 15-year anniversary. Angela’s anniversary was celebrated with cake and all of her colleagues at STI. David Raby, President/CEO, presented Angela with a certificate in appreciation of her 15 years of dedicated service.

Angela started with STI as a Customer Service Representative in the Electronics/Industrial Distribution department. Angela then moved to the Engineering Services department as Customer Service and Administrative Support Representative. Angela interfaces with customers in STI’s Analytical, Manufacturing and Microelectronics Labs on a daily basis, providing project status, quotes, etc.

Angela and Dave

STI Electronics Partners with Technology Transfer Services to Help Customers Apply for Grant Money



STI Electronics, Inc., is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Technology Transfer Services to offer assistance with applying for grant funds. STI Electronics Inc. and Technology Transfer Services have a long tradition of providing high value training with excellent customer service while seeking out opportunities for providing additional value-added services to clients and potential clients.

The manufacturing industry has become more complex, requiring staff members to be more flexible and learn new skills to keep pace with the changing demands of work. Companies have invested and continue to invest in the training of their staff to remain competitive in this complex environment. The cost of training can be significant for organizations but is a necessary burden for continued success.

Each year the state of Florida provides grant monies for training to assist organizations in keeping their workforce current with the demands of the industry. The grant dollars are distributed through a variety of grants at both the state and the county level: CareerSource Grant Opportunities;

  • Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)
  • Quick Response Training (QRT)
  • Employed Worker Training (EWT)

The grant dollars are awarded based on a first come, first serve basis as well as eligibility. In order to receive these funds, making your application early is essential. STI would like to offer you assistance in applying for these grant funds.

Patti Gander has numerous years of experience writing grant applications and receiving grant funds. She offers her services to organizations in any region of the state as a no charge service. The goal of STI Electronics Inc., Technology Transfer Services, and Patti is to make Florida a manufacturing leader. Training our workforce is one step toward achieving that vision.

To speak with Patti about how she can help you with the grants, she can be reached via email at or by phone at (813) 486-1207.

Mel Parrish Celebrates 15 Years with STI Electronics

STI Electronics, Inc., announces Mel Parrish’s 15-year anniversary.

STI Electronics, Inc., announces Mel Parrish’s 15-year anniversary.   Parrish’s anniversary was celebrated with cake and all of his colleagues at STI.  David Raby, President/CEO, presented Mel with a certificate in appreciation of Parrish’s 15 years of dedicated service.

Parrish is the Director of Training Materials as well as FSO for the company.  Parrish is a major contributor to the IPC and is a Technical Activities Executive Committee (TAEC) lifetime member.  Parrish also has more than 30 years of experience in workforce development, skills standards, curriculum design and development, and management for electronic technology and production disciplines.

Mel and Dave