STI at The White House for Pledge to America’s Workers

Submitted by Kris Roberson on 30th of July, 2019 10:30 am

MADISON, AL — July 2019 — STI Electronics, Inc., is pleased to announce that it has renewed its commitment to the White House initiative to boost the skilled workforce.

A White House event marking the first anniversary of President Trump’s Executive Order to develop a national strategy to expand the skilled workforce was held on July 25, 2019. The event reviewed the progress made under that executive order and the related Pledge to America’s Workers, which called on private sector companies to step up their workforce upskilling efforts. In recognition of the industry’s efforts, employees and executives from four IPC member companies were invited to attend Thursday’s White House event. David Raby, President/CEO represented STI Electronics and its support of these efforts.

To support the pledge, STI provides training, education, jobs and certifications ranging from basic, introductory courses for individuals preparing to enter the electronics industry for the first time, as well as advanced education and training. By offering NASA, IPC and other industry certifications, STI prepares and advances the skills of a much-needed workforce.

Raby commented, “As an IPC-member company, STI is proud to support IPC and the Trump Administration in the effort to expand training and career opportunities for American students and workers. We are determined to close the skills gap by providing technical training that will keep our industry competitive.”

Engineering Engineering