STI Celebrates Mel Parrish's 10th Anniversary

Submitted by admin on 20th of July, 2010 12:00 am

STI announces the 10-year anniversary of Mel Parrish.  Mel was honored with a celebration and was awarded a travel certificate to be used for a cruise or a travel destination of his choice.
After retiring from the Air Force as an Electronics Curriculum Designer, Mel began working in standards development and training while working for the Navy at China Lake during the generation of WS6536 through MIL-STD-2000. Mel has been active in IPC technical committee work for over 23 years.. 
Mel is the Director of Training Materials, as well as FSO at STI Electronics. He has served in numerous leadership positions for IPC-A-610 beginning with Revision A, which is now newly revised and published as IPC-A-610, Revision E. Mel is Chair to the Technical Activity Executive Council (TAEC) for IPC, and has been a member of the council for ten years.  
“Mel is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to specifications, rationale and history. He is an asset to Training Materials and serves STI well in his FSO role,” said Diana Bradford, Vice President of Operations/Training Resources.
STI Electronics offers a wide variety of soldering training programs ranging from Commercial to High Reliability Requirements including NASA for both through-hole and surface mount technology. STI is an approved IPC Certification Center for all IPC training programs.

Engineering Engineering