STI Electronics Becomes ISO14644-1:1999 Certified

Submitted by admin on 10th of January, 2010 06:00 pm

STI Electronics, Inc., a full service organization providing training, electronic and industrial distribution, consulting, laboratory analysis, prototyping, and small- to medium-volume PCB assembly, announces that it has received certification in accordance with Nebb Procedural Standards per the requirements of ISO14644-1:1999 for ISO Class 6 (Class 1000) Manufacturing Cleanroom for Electronic Hardware.
STI’s 2,000 sq ft cleanroom facility has been added to produce military and medical devices that require cleanroom manufacturing standards and practices. This is another milestone and building block for STI’s growth to become a full-service provider of microelectronic assemblies and sensors as well as high-end standard and hybrid electronic assemblies for its customer base.
David Raby, President & CEO, said, “I am excited about our future and our commitment to excellence in electronics. This is another example of our commitment to our new and existing customers by investing in facilities and capital equipment needed to keep STI on the cutting edge of electronics manufacturing.”
This allows STI to expand its manufacturing capabilities and expertise, and gives its customers greater design solutions to meet future electronic system objectives. The room is certified to ISO Class 6 (Class 1000) air cleanliness standards but was built to maintain and operate at ISO Class 5 (Class 100) standards. With onsite high-accuracy temperature, humidity, and particle-counter monitors, STI is able to provide daily monitoring to ensure continuous compliance with the ISO14644-1:1999 cleanroom standards.
Mark McMeen, Vice President, stated, “This is our second cleanroom design. We are very proud of this addition and the further capabilities that we can now offer our customers by operating at a higher standard than is required for high-end microelectronic assemblies”.
STI Electronics is an ISO CERTIFIED 9001:2008 electronics manufacturing facility specializing in high-end circuit card assemblies and microelectronic/sensor modules.  STI has a patented Imbedded Component/Die Technology called IC/DT® that also will benefit from the increase in cleanroom size. STI’s IC/DT® packaging technology is a more reliable alternative to SMT to meet size, weight, and power (SWAP) requirements for critical, high-rel applications. IC/DT® integrates thermal management and imbeds unpackaged components and bare die in a 3-D laminate substrate, which reduces heat, increases reliability and meets small form-factor requirements.
E-mail or call Mark McMeen for more information on STI’s manufacturing capabilities at or 256-705-5515.

Engineering Engineering