STI Electronics Partners with Technology Transfer Services to Help Customers Apply for Grant Money

Submitted by Ray Cirimele on 31st of July, 2015 10:36 am


STI Electronics, Inc., is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Technology Transfer Services to offer assistance with applying for grant funds. STI Electronics Inc. and Technology Transfer Services have a long tradition of providing high value training with excellent customer service while seeking out opportunities for providing additional value-added services to clients and potential clients.

The manufacturing industry has become more complex, requiring staff members to be more flexible and learn new skills to keep pace with the changing demands of work. Companies have invested and continue to invest in the training of their staff to remain competitive in this complex environment. The cost of training can be significant for organizations but is a necessary burden for continued success.

Each year the state of Florida provides grant monies for training to assist organizations in keeping their workforce current with the demands of the industry. The grant dollars are distributed through a variety of grants at both the state and the county level: CareerSource Grant Opportunities;

  • Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)
  • Quick Response Training (QRT)
  • Employed Worker Training (EWT)

The grant dollars are awarded based on a first come, first serve basis as well as eligibility. In order to receive these funds, making your application early is essential. STI would like to offer you assistance in applying for these grant funds.

Patti Gander has numerous years of experience writing grant applications and receiving grant funds. She offers her services to organizations in any region of the state as a no charge service. The goal of STI Electronics Inc., Technology Transfer Services, and Patti is to make Florida a manufacturing leader. Training our workforce is one step toward achieving that vision.

To speak with Patti about how she can help you with the grants, she can be reached via email at or by phone at (813) 486-1207.

Engineering Engineering