Stacey Sipes’ 15-Year Anniversary

Submitted by Ray Cirimele on 28th of March, 2018 01:30 pm


STI Electronics announces Stacey Sipes’ 15-year anniversary. Sipes’ anniversary was celebrated with all of her colleagues at STI.  David Raby, President/CEO, presented her with a certificate in appreciation of her 15 years of dedicated service.

As the Accounting Manager for STI, Sipes is responsible for overseeing all accounting staff as well the day to day accounting operations.  “Stacey’s consistent guidance of STI’s Accounting Department for the past 15 years has provided us with benefits that cannot be measured in dollars and cents,” said Diana Bradford, Vice President of Operations/Training Resources. “Stacey’s attention to detail and dedication to STI and the overall tasks, are greatly appreciated.

Engineering Engineering