IPC-J-STD-001H: Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies pic

IPC-J-STD-001H: Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies


SKU: 225-0255 Category:

Product Description

IPC-J-STD-001H is recognized globally for its criteria on soldering processes and materials. Updated with participants from 27 countries providing input and expertise, the IPC-J-STD-001H standard brings the latest criteria to the industry including guidance on the use of x-ray to inspect through-hole solder conditions that are not visible by any other means.

IPC-J-STD-001H is a must-have for those in the electronics industry with an interest in the process and acceptance criteria for electrical and electronic assemblies. J-STD-001 is developed in synergy with IPC-A-610 and is supported by IPC-HDBK-001 for those wanting additional information and explanation on the requirements. If you purchased IPC-J-STD-001H you should also purchase and use IPC-A-610H, they work together.

Number of Pages: 108
Release Date: 10/7/2020
ISBN: 978-1-951577-70-4
Product ID: J001-STD-0-P-0-EN-H


Supersedes J-STD-001 Revision G

Additional Information

Weight 0.55 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.25 in